Terms & Conditions

1) A stay for a period of every year for up to 6 Nights and 7 Days at Royals Moonlightproperties each year within India for the stipulated number of years from the date of this Agreement.

2) The 6 nights & 7 day holidays can also be taken in any of the tied up properties in worldwide.

3) The accommodation shall be provided in regular and superior rooms for Studio Members and 2 such rooms will be given to members who have bought One Bedroom Membership.

4) All short term accommodation stay includes Studio rooms only for the selected time for Second Party, Spouse and 2 children below 8 years age. Extra bed would be at the rate of Rs. 1000/- in Royals Moonlightowned properties and as applicable in associated properties. Dependent vacationers above 18 are considered as adults. Maximum 3 adults can be accommodated in one studio room. Extra room will need to be taken at an additional cost if there are more than 3 adults. 1BR is for 4 Adults and two children under 8 years


6) The vacationer is also required to make payment towards the Annual Maintenance Charges (AMC) are Rs. 10500/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Five Hundred only) for Studio unit & Rs.18000/- (Rupees Eighteen Thousand only) for 1 BR unit towards the vacations in the first party’s owned or affiliated / associated properties. The AMC is applicable from the date of this agreement and may be revised without prior notice. The Annual Maintenance Charges are payable online and are excluding taxes and are payable irrespective of usage of the vacations / facility / amenities. Failure to clear dues including AMC towards First Party shall be a default and vacations cannot be utilised until all the dues are cleared. The vacationer is aware that there is no offer of any kind whatsoever that allows for wave off of AMC. An exchange fee can also apply if the property is in domestic / international associated location. AMC will be generated Nine (9) months from the date of this agreement and is payable within twelve (12) months from the date of this agreement, irrespective of whether the second party has made full or part payment towards the product price

7) In the event the second party chooses to benefit from ‘Cash out’ price then he is liable to pay the entire amount within 30 days of initial payment. In the event the second party does not make the payment within 30 days of the initial payment, then the First Party will revoke the benefits of the ‘Cash out’ price and will collect the full product price from the Second Party.

8) This is a limited and exclusive offer. In case full amount of fee is not remitted within 45 days from the date of initial payment, the money remitted till then would forfeited by the Royals Moonlightand vacations allotted, if any, would be cancelled.

9) In the event the Second Party continues to default in completing the payments towards ‘Cash out’ price even after the year then the First Party reserve its right to degrade the benefits of the products to the closest priced product to complete the transaction of the Second Party. The Second Party understands that once the product is degraded, the benefits under this agreement can be no longer be availed by the Second Party. Further, any benefits already by the Second Party under this agreement period to degradation will be set off against the benefits of the degraded product closet.


10) Royals Moonlighth as the rights to withdraw any properties from the list at any time without prior intimation. Holiday booking process is online/offline and on first come first serve bases and is open for booking as specified in clause below. Online bookings will be confirmed subject to availability of the rooms.

11) The card will be issued to the Second Party subject to providing copy of ID proof, address proof, photographs and compliance of KYC norms of the whole family.

12) Holiday booking is to be done online. Login with the user name and password mentioned on the online receipt, which will also be sent along with the welcome letter and the procedure for booking online, to book your holidays). The Second Party can utilise the vacations immediately on full payment of product and other dues even before receiving the card and welcome kit.

13) During peak time if occupancy is high, after giving priority to higher season member, ONLY shorter holiday durations are provided to accommodate others.

14) A continuous vacation of 6 nights and 7 days could either be split: (choose any one of the splits per year)

a) Into 2 Nights and 3 Days

b) Into 3 Nights and 4 Days

c) Into 4 Nights / 5 Days and 2 Nights/ 3Days per year.

15) EXIT OPTION: It is understood that this Agreement upon receipt of written notice (without any personal reason) is cancelable at the option of either of the parties to this agreement within a period of 7 days from the date of the signed Agreement. Upon the non-receipt of any such notice within the stipulated period, the parties agree to be bound by the term and conditions of the signed agreement thereafter and the Developer shall not be entitled to refund any money held by it.

16) REFUND: It is understand that if the Agreement is canceled as per clause 15 above by the applicant(s), the company shall refund to the applicant(s), the payments then held by Company after deducting the administration fee of Rs. 25000/- paid by the purchaser. But without any interest within 90 days from the date of cancellation request.

17) All holidays are subject to availability as we follow a floating week. Every effort is made to ensure our booking system is transparent and the other ‘Royals Club International’ vacationers of higher season / points get an opportunity to book first after the stipulated date mentioned as per the season / points, all Royals Moonlightvacationers have as equal opportunity to book their holidays. Only after those Royals Moonlightvacationers of higher category books his holiday, a Royals Moonlightvacationers of middle or lower category can book his holiday.

18) Renting of vacations can be done only during off peak season through your personal contacts and cannot be advertised. Royals Moonlightdoes not engage in renting of vacations. Royals Moonlighth as the rights to reject any booking.

19) It is understood by the Second Party hereto that only after submission of all the necessary documents and satisfactory verification of the same thereafter by Royals Club International, vacation vouchers will be issued to the Primary applicant to the address provided in this Agreement. The Second Party understands that there are no separate holiday vouchers for sale and the Second Party is entitled to benefits that are only set out under this agreement.

20) The Second Party understands that he/ she will have to pay Taxes and other levies as levied by the government.

21) Charges for consumable like food, beverages and other facilities availed by the Second Party and guests will be determined by the management from time to time and should be cleared on a day to day basis. No credit facilities will be extended.

22) Second Party can be denied using his vacations under this agreement if there is any outstanding amount due from any other agreements payable to the First Party.


23) The Second Party hereby agrees to purchase vacations of Royals Moonlight’s and Royals Moonlightaccepts the same, subject to terms and conditions of this agreement.

24) Second Party has understood the benefits available under the vacations schemes which are more particularly listed out in this Agreement.Second Party further understands that no benefits other than those listed in this Agreement will be available to Second Party.

25) The Second Party understands that he/she should furnish their change of address; telephone numbers etc., if any to Customer Care Dept., to keep Second Party’s record up to date. Second Party permits Royals Moonlightto contact Second Party via Phone/Sms or E-mail even if the party is in the TRIA regulated DND for any services and schemes/offers in the future.

26) The Second Party understands that he/she is bound by the Rules & Regulations of Royals Moonlightand as duly amended from time to time. The decision of the management of Royals Moonlightwould be final in all matters.

27) Apart from these Terms & Conditions as mentioned above, all other statutes as applicable shall be binding on the Second Party. Any amendments or enactment of any legislation resulting in additional obligations on First Party or changing the nature of any activity undertaken by First Party to the determined of the First Party then the provisions in the agreement to the extend the additional obligations are imposed on the First Party and the provisions in this agreement to the extend the law applicable is changing the nature of the activity undertaken by the First Party would be considered as extinguished before the amendment or enactment of the legislation coming into force and the Company would not be held responsible for the consequences of such changes.

28) Second Party understand that this Agreement (in the printed form ONLY) SUPERCEDES any communication whether written or oral or any variations or hand written remarks rewriting the printed Agreement made by the Agent and / or representatives of Royals Moonlightor Second Party to this Agreement and / Or any other written Communication issue by Royals Moonlightrepresentatives (including on Company Letter Head or STAMP PAPER). Further, Second Party understands that the benefits and terms of vacation as set out in this agreement are final and binding on Royals Moonlightand Second Party.

29) Second Party confirms that no other verbal / written promises or any other assurance in deviation from this agreement has been made by ‘Royals Club International’s personnel.

30) Second Party hereby declares that particulars given above are true, correct and are completely in order. If any transaction is delayed or not affected at all for the reason of incomplete or incorrect information, SECOND PARTY shall not hold Royals Moonlightresponsible for any loss / damage / inconvenience caused due to the same. The Second Party shall, within 30 days from shifting to any other residence apart from the address mentioned in this agreement, shall intimate the same to Royals Moonlightat the address mentioned in this agreement regarding the new address along with address proof. In the event the intimation of change of address is not given to Royals Moonlightany communication either by or through their lawyers is deemed to be served on the address mentioned in this agreement.

31) Second Party acknowledge and confirms that all the Terms and Conditions of Royals Moonlight, shall be fully and completely binding on Second Party on signing of agreement by Second Party and that any future amendments to the same shall also be binding on Second Party.

32) Second Party acknowledges that Second Party has been treated pleasantly and courteously and Second Party entered into this agreement at its free will and accord and there is no compulsion or coercion or undue influence exercised by Royals Moonlightand / or its agents / representatives.

33) Second Party here by confirms that Second Party has gone through the aforesaid Terms and Conditions and benefits / obligations and Second Party has understood and accepted the same.